
How to burn DVD ISO image in fedora Linux

I had to install Windows XP on my shabby laptop which I used to use in uni.
That machine had Windows 98 and upgraded to Windows 2000pro.

The steps for preparing install CD is,

Get Windows XP OS --> Burn the ISO image on fedora10 --> Boot on that machine.

How to create ISO image on fedora

The above site has many useful informations! This site may rescue you when you are stuck.

Btw, Summer is coming! I miss beach soooo much. maybe I should go to Boracay,, iina--! xD

3 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

Haiii come with us to Boracay~~ I can imagine all the guys turning their heads on you as you pass by! xP

But where did you get the gadget! Hahaha do you have real VC affiliate?? :D

Shinri さんのコメント...

I am official VC affiliate too! :D
I was trying to use to learn how to create gadget..but it's reallllly ugly!
works really slow and it takes 30mins to show.. lol... so sorry..it's the real user's opinion! XD it's between us. haha
hope it gets better in next implementation!

and,,,no one gonna turn heads on me cmon!
it's all for you guys! :D

エマ さんのコメント...





