
Unable to sync iphone on windows 2000 pro

Second update in today, I've been struggling to insert music on iphone from early morning, I dreamed up in the bed...lol

So why I am trying to sync iphone on my shabby windows 2000 pro machine is because iphone isn't recognized on Gtkpod(alternative application for Linux).

But seems iphone won't work on windows 2000 pro either... huh...

The other solution is to install XP on machine, see what's happened next.
My struggle never end.

Here is the article: iPhone won't work w/ Windows 2000 Pro?

1 件のコメント:

BlackWingCat さんのコメント...

I success to activate iPhone 3GS on Windows 2000.
But I can still transfer the music from Win2000 to iPhone only.