
Latest version of Picasa for Linux

The latest version of Picasa for Linux is "Picasa 3.0 for Linux (beta)"
1. Download rpm package from http://dl.google.com/linux/rpm/testing/i386/picasa-3.0-current.i386.rpm

2. execute by root command
su -

3. rpm -Uvh picasa-3.0-current.i386.rpm
4. Go to Applications > Graphics > Picasa and open up
here is ramdom pic took by iphone

Nimo----!! in the pic -) This is aquarium restaurant in SHINJYUKU.

2 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

Heyyy is that your puppy?? So cuuuuute!!!! <3333 looks like it's feeling really lazyy!! Sugoku kawaiiiiii~~ I want a puppy like that!! <33333 xDDD

Of all your pics, I like the lanterns and lights the most! Nice angle and scenery! ;) I wish I can take pictures like that too.. xD I don't see such nice sceneries like that!

Shinri さんのコメント...

Rachel--! nope it's not my puppy but Naoki's!! do you know Naoki@Infra team?! you may ask Matt, he has the same puppy in Manila!!

and my pics aren't that good haha I guess yours are much better!

anyway good luck for your Java test!!!