
wildlife world zoo

We went to the zoo on 5th of Feb, Saturday morning. I looove zoo since I was very young!

I see the difference between Japanese zoo and American zoo, all animals are normally caged up in zoo and we barely touch them or feed them in Japan, but here except savage animals, they are all free to walk around outside of the cage, people can get more closer to animals, and pet them and feed them too sometimes.very interesting! :)

I had a great weekend with all , including super bowl party on Sunday. I still have no idea about american football though, since people around me were sooo excited, I was kind of excited too lol.
but so far, I am still into soccer more..lol


今週末はsuper bowl partyも含めて素晴らしい週末でした。未だ、american footballについて全く意味がわかっていませんが、私の周りが凄い興奮していたので、私も何となく楽しめました(笑)

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