
Google and Music Label's struggle

Wao-- I can't believe that the world’s biggest record labels, including EMI, the Warner Music Group and Vivendi’s Universal Music, said they would seek to profit here by working with Google and offering free downloads of music to anyone inside China.
I really need to observe how Google make this system works. -))

If it's succeed, Japanese music industry are going to imitate this system. I really want to tell my friends who work in record labels, seems they are struggle to find the way to earn more profit..

Google and Music Labels Bet on Downloads in China .

My braces has been killing me..Isn't it too tighten up? my doctor?!
Go to bed now-- My blue monday is almost ended.. thanks thanks.

My dream would likeoh my god this is soo funny! XD XD

1 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

How I wish there's something free like that in our country too.. XD everything is about money, too bad.