
So another week day has been started.
As usual today is abit blue Monday but still ok!!

I visited friend's house in Yokohama on sunday!
He is living in 19th floor which is very high and you can see the
whole ocean view from big window!!
Which is just amazing!!!

We were drinking wine at the balcony and felt like when you are
standing at balcony and drunk it's easy to fell and die!dangerous!!
And it must be so stupid if our parents knew you just fell when you were drunk
So don't do that :D

Btw,my parents are coming to Tokyo this weekend!!!
Mizuki my brother is going to graduate uni!congratulations!
And and and welcome to the hell!! Uni life is best ever in my life and eveyone
is suffered when you start work right ;) :)

On my way home! I am hungry!!!

2 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

Aaaa omedeto gozaimasu Shinri no otooto-san~! I agree student life is the happiest because you can skip classes and have a lot of fun! I had a lot of time to play games and sleep! But now, you have too little time to play because we work 5 times a week and we cannot just skip work.

Me too I want to have a house near the beach~! Then when I wake up in the morning, I will run straight to the beach and take a swim! :D

Annie さんのコメント...

Oh my, I love the beach!

That must be a very spectacular view!

Have fun!