I just woke up right now, it's 4:45JST...ahhhh XD I wasted my sunday!
Yesterday was abit busy day, I officially joined social volleyball team and visited my friend and..after I went to other party.
Really bad!!! I was drinking almost all day since 12pm...ou...
She cooked delicious foods for us, and later her husband joined after he went to golf.
It was calm saturday home party--! They have 2 golden retrievers, the oldest chocolate colour one is Air , and second black colour boy is Max. ;) sooo cute. as soon as they got away from the room, they just jumped on me and lick me. haha--- XD Max is still very young and really bratty!
They were absolutely adorable!
Thank you very much for inviting me-- I will visit you again soon--!
So...I will try to be sober today,not sure yet..since I am going to meet up colleagues from now. ai ai...XD
Nice sunday evening for everyone!
Air and Max and my friend's diary
3 件のコメント:
Aaaa kawaii inu~ xD
OoooOo Shinri is always drinking huh! xD I wanna drink too sometimes but I cannot drink somewhere very far from my house because I'm not a very good drinker... xD so basically, I can't really drink much. So good for you, you're enjoying your weekend! ^__^
Rachel, that's soo mean.. I am not drinking always?! cmon.. hope not. hahaha
If you were here, I would take anywhere I go with me and get you drunk so be careful!
How is your running exercise?