Finally fedora 11 was released today! congratulations. then...I am trying to install on my pc though,, since I have a experience that I lost all data when I installed fedora 9 before, I am a bit scared to do that.
GUI looks so cool, LEO! my star sign is also LEO.. lol I must install it.
But.. I need you guys help!!!
Do NOT abandon me plzzz.
Tomorrow is substitute holiday, I will be meeting up friends in afternoon and go to hair salon etc to fix up shabby "me".
Feeling abit guilty when I think about team mates, and the other project I am assigned is having pretty hard time though, I will try to enjoy private time.
NO nihongo today..pretty lazy gomen. XD
Fedora 11
I wish I could buy iphone 3GS....iPhone 3G S features video recording, Voice Control, up to 32GB of storage, and more. cool!
If anyone already got iphone 3GS, please show me!
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