I got news that some of my coworker's house, cars were flooded..fortunately no one injured.
Here is the site for donation, I am sure they need our help right now.
(速報)フィリピン台風被害 ~赤十字の対応~
CNN 'People on roofs... missing'
I really hope my coworker can get back to work asap.
New Project
I haven't updated my blog so long because I got so many things to do in last 2weeks, organizing friends wedding party, take my high school mates to tokyo tour and so on.
Also I've assigned to the new project which is planning to deploy in Dec.
and the PJ requires me to study all new features... This is the first time to learn keyword search technology , related backend architecture,etc. And all include, It seems we should struggle to implement smart search criteria, The study is very interesting, although I again have to read bunch of docs everyday. :D
My question is how we can verify if the system is smart enough to return appropriate result by user's input. I've been thinking this recently during I read docs and write test scenarios.
I hope I can think of many good test cases by myself. -))
It's been getting cold everyday in Tokyo. Beautiful autumn season is coming~~.
Sufjan Stevens - For the widows in paradise
I am heading for Ginza to help my aunt exhibition soon.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Also I've assigned to the new project which is planning to deploy in Dec.
and the PJ requires me to study all new features... This is the first time to learn keyword search technology , related backend architecture,etc. And all include, It seems we should struggle to implement smart search criteria, The study is very interesting, although I again have to read bunch of docs everyday. :D
My question is how we can verify if the system is smart enough to return appropriate result by user's input. I've been thinking this recently during I read docs and write test scenarios.
I hope I can think of many good test cases by myself. -))
It's been getting cold everyday in Tokyo. Beautiful autumn season is coming~~.
Sufjan Stevens - For the widows in paradise
I am heading for Ginza to help my aunt exhibition soon.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Last week was pretty hard for our project team, although there were some struggle, we could go
through it and the new functionality is implemented in the production. :)
Btw, Kitty has joined my family. her name is NALA... I wanted to put her name SHINBA , but realized it's boy's name.. so my mom change it to SHINBA's gf name in Lion King. -) The photo is from my dad, she is sleeping news paper box.. lol even though she has got cute little house. -)
Summer is end, getting cool and windy, sometimes heavily raining in Tokyo these days.
I am going to Zushi to play sports with friends today. :) today is going to be really hot! 30 degrees. wa--! Weather is really unbelievable recently, sometimes it's really hot like middle of summer but sometimes really cold like October.
We should be careful to not get cold--. :)
I met kitty!
I've been taking a walk in early morning since I am in hometown.
I heard miao miao in the morning from the bush ,,, and saw very little kitty was hiding in grasses.
She was trying to run away from me first but later she came closer with her big courage and was playing around together for a while.
I couldn't just leave her alone and took her home with me. XD
My parents say her mom will be looking for her so we should take her back asap!
So tonight I will go to the same place and leave her alone for a hour and if no one came to catch her up, my family will be kitty's parents.
she is biting my fingers now.. @ ____ @
15th @Oguni,Kumamoto
Finally arri
and as always the first mission is to visit my grandmother with family!
Here are some photos from Oguni, Kumamoto!
The water fall is the very famous place where was used in commercial of 生茶 long time ago,
People can walk to behind the waterfall--!! :D
Yesterday was drinking, today will be again... drinking.. tomorrow..hmmm really bad! XD
I am watching World Championships in athletics @Berlin~~.
Bolt rocks!
14th @Osaka
I am on holiday right now. I visited my brother @ Higashi-Mikuni , Osaka on 14th.
It's just 15mins from Umeda Station , Midousuji-line to my brother's apartment. Very close to the central Osaka :)
It was great to see him after long time no see each other~~!
I visited aquarium , park , sea side during he was working :D
Here are some pho
Universal Studio Japan.
This is the second fireworks for me in this summer.
I heard this fireworks event is the biggest one in Tokyo and if you want to see in the best place,
You have to reserve the seats at least 3days before...
So there were looots of tent around there...
Thankfully one of my friends was the kind of person to struggle to keep the seats in best location.
I normally really hate to go to see fireworks cz very crowded.. but this time was awesome!!
I looove fireworks event in summer~~ very romantic! hahaha
My B-day party@Midtown
It was a bit raining in early morning and since organizer Jay reserved outside seats for us,
We were sooo worried about it. but thanks god!! rainy humid day was over until afternoon and
nice summer wind came out when we reached to the restaurant. :D
The pa
Thank you sooo much!
My 28 years age would be awesome!!
Happy Birthday Me!
I am 28 years old now, getting one year older so I should be wiser! XD
Life is like climbing the mountain step by step,
Sometimes it's a bit hard, but it can be always turned to full of happiness with best friends and great family.
My resolution for this year is pretty much same as before that spending everyday with a lot of happiness and always try to express my appreciation to the great people around me.
Tomorrow we are having B-day party@Midtown,Roppongi, Can't wait to talk with all.
Thank you all sooo much for the wonderful messages! I had a great B-day!!! :D
summer breeze
Did you feel summer breeze today?
I was sitting near the river and wind was very strong! summer is really coming after rainy season.
The photo describes typical japanese summer scene.
Rice ear was flowing with wind :)
Btw, I've been reading the book (Power of LESS)
during I study programming course.
The book suggests us to choose LESS things , tasks, belongings to achieve more simple and meaningful life.
It's good to take time off sometimes and do something else :)
Monday is coming, It's going to be busy week again, good luck for all of us. :D
Very windy sunny day in Tokyo. 11 day to my BD! :D
最近、Power of LESSという本を読んでいます。
Beautiful eclips and diamond ringo

Did everyone see eclips today?
The time we could see it in japan was around 11:00am ,
and my colleagues were very excited to not miss the special moment and everyone was staring at the window but unfortunately the weather wasn't so good, very cloudy and sometimes raining :(
So we all watched streaming live movie in NHK website which was broadcasting from IWO-JIMA,
although the movie came through the website and the island is really far from tokyo ,
It was really mysterious beautiful moment.
NHK broadcasting site
My family was watching at huge park in KYUSHU and mom was so excited to send email with
her experience from 46years old... :P
Cloudy, sometimes rainy day in Tokyo.
From today, I will start countdown for my BD(5th/Aug) so.. "15days" to my BD!! wahaha--!
今日からMY BDまでカウントダウンします!あと15日!
Chofu Hanabi and Windows vista

Chofu Fireworks event was held just next to my apartment. It was blast,immense scale and sooo many people came to my local station to see it.
It's a bit dark but you can see my apartment in the pic, a....maybe not it's too dark..though you can just see how close to it from my home. ehehe.
3days weekend was past soo fast XD I enjoyed to hang out with friends also installed windows vista on gateway, since I figured there are some degrade in fedora11 and I wasn't enough professional to fix it by myself. so..for a while I will use windows vista.
Rainy day in Tokyo , abit cold/windy in night time :)
Good night!
quick updates

I haven't been writing for a while. The PJ is finalized eventually, we all gonna have some free time after all. :D Good luck for all of us.
I just got back 30mins ago, I was chatting with volleyball team mates in chinese restaurant until last train...They are pretty young folks around 23-26, I feel really old among them though, they are really good friends and it was fun. :D
This week just started since yesterday, I must sleep for rest of days , wed,thu,fri... wa-- XD
The attachment is the sky from last sunday, It was very strange colour, I don't know why, maybe
strong wind and fickle weather in rainy season?!
Goood night Sweet dreams!
summer flu

I've got summer flu since sunday morning..
When I noticed that I felt dizzy, I already got 38degree fever :(
So... took sick leave on monday and was fighting with myself. it was really nightmare.
And realized I cannot sleep more than 12hours, even though I am always dreaming every morning if I could just sleep whole day..
So I watched lots of movie,tv shows for my distraction and my emotion was really moved , sometimes cry , sometimes laugh, and finally I got freaky movie which made me stay awake for whole night..awww.. XD
August Rush
so I must sleep earlier tonight. night night!
今日は早くねよっと。おやすみー。 今日は七夕!忘れてた。友達のブログみて、ハッとして、窓を開けて空を一時眺めてみましたー。

Since I've moved to the new apartment, I finally found the local volleyball team,
and officially joined 2weeks ago. The team plays twice in a week, saturday and tuesday :D In sat, we play about 4-5hours,quite long hour to do something haha, and tuesday there are a few member gathered and we just practice each form like spike , serve,receive..etc
So today I went to practice after work, around 8:30 and played just a hour, but
there were only 5members could use huge gym then exercise volume was exceeded my limitation.. I mean limitation for weekday, after work lol...
I just got back and took shower but already look like a dead dog.. lol...
I hope I can continue every week so that I can get back my normal muscles I used to have before and endurance.. ha ha ha-- ganbaru...
fedora 11 installed,,, TGI friday

Actually my friend booked for us, Thanks my friend very much!
The dinner was great! we ordered pretty much foods like pasta, tapas rice bowl,cheese, olive, salad etc :D
Btw, I finally installed fedora 11 yesterday midnight watching confederations cup.
Dunno why but I lost data from fedora 10 again... XD
You might be able to imagine how stupid I am though, I swear I didn't do anything wrong this time, Just booted installation CD and chose upgrade... and all process was done without any error... but when I intended to boot up again, I just saw "ERROR17" and couldn't even boot by command line.. XD
Fortunately, at second try(seriously it was exactly same process..hmhm) I could install 11 completely.. so all good.
Anyway, the most impressed thing is my SATA drive connected by USB 2.0 was mounted on 11 by default. As you might remember, I had to set up on 10 and it was really complicated,at least for me yes lol.
But.. I was kind of disappointed at UI...pretty ugly.. I liked 10, 9.
Where is LEO sign gone.. XD
Going to sleep! Night Night--!
昨日やっとfedora 11インストールしたよー。
What was the biggest shock?
I've been watching Confederation match,,, and and something weird happened to the match and as no one expected USA won to european champion Spain.. Wa------!!!
What was the biggest shock?
Hope I could still work properly today.. ahhh. XD
What was the biggest shock?
Hope I could still work properly today.. ahhh. XD
Transformers Revenge of the fallen

Finally Transformers2 came out in tokyo since 19th/June friday.
I went to cinema with colleagues today. As I've been waiting for sooo long, The movie was really great!!!!
I am a huge fun of Transformers and I think I've seen that movie more than 30times, ha ha ha
Even if I watched it many times, I still find something I really like every time and inspired from it very much.
Story was...hmm as expected, pretty cheesy though,I think SF fans don't expect meaningful story in it, but we are impressed by big scales made by CG technics, surround sounds like me. :D
I am sure I will also get Transformers2 and will repeatedly watch at home --- XD geeks. that's me XD
Sunday evening...Raining.. Quite exhausted though, Shigoto ganbaru since tomorrow. :D
almost done! deploy deploy.. but sleepy..

I am really really sleeeepy.... I've been hitting my forehead and still be able to awake.... XD
I am in deploy right now, we are almost done but still need to wait some backend jobs to be done.
Good luck for all of us!
I was talking with my friend just before, and he gave me some youtube links, as you can see it's kind of old disco style... lol
I was actually abit surprised because I thought he likes more stylish modern beat sounds...
but since he has a big talent for music, these old songs are still nice one. thanks thanks.
Snap - The power
awwww.... sleeeepppyy.. we won't need any additional tasks right now haha!!!!
PS : attachment is my gorgeous lunch menu! yey! not everyday, only today haha.
ちょっと前まで友達の男の子と話してて、その子が古めのdisco soundを送ってくれました。
↑のリンクをクリックしてね。普通は、もっとモダンなbeat soundが好きな子なのに、、、だからちょっとウケました。
what is AJAX?

I've been assigned to one of the big project these days, I am quite excited although I loooove my usual project with my best colleague.
As soon as I got Test cases from the leader, she said
"You have to be very careful to test pages with AJAX..." then I was like...SHOOOOOT I don't even know what is AJAX!!!
so decided to study with google prof.
AJAX is about better Internet-applications.
Hmmm...Ok...still need more details
Getting understand...but still hmmmmm @ ______________ @
Finally found good description in JP site.
Hope I can test Ajax page with good knowledge and different scenarios next time.
Good luck
visiting my friend's house

I just woke up right now, it's 4:45JST...ahhhh XD I wasted my sunday!
Yesterday was abit busy day, I officially joined social volleyball team and visited my friend and..after I went to other party.
Really bad!!! I was drinking almost all day since 12pm...ou...
She cooked delicious foods for us, and later her husband joined after he went to golf.
It was calm saturday home party--! They have 2 golden retrievers, the oldest chocolate colour one is Air , and second black colour boy is Max. ;) sooo cute. as soon as they got away from the room, they just jumped on me and lick me. haha--- XD Max is still very young and really bratty!
They were absolutely adorable!
Thank you very much for inviting me-- I will visit you again soon--!
So...I will try to be sober today,not sure yet..since I am going to meet up colleagues from now. ai ai...XD
Nice sunday evening for everyone!
Air and Max and my friend's diary
Install Gajim - a jabber client

If you are using fedora, you can follow my step.
It was easy to set up and start using it for me, so it would be pretty easy for you too. ;) I am sure.
1.su -
2. yum install gajim
3. In Gajim window,
Edit > Accounts > Click Add > register your account (ex) gmail,yahoo,msn..etc
Thanks for my friend to let me know! The default avator is cuter than pidgin.
fedora 11 is released today! and new iphone too!

Finally fedora 11 was released today! congratulations. then...I am trying to install on my pc though,, since I have a experience that I lost all data when I installed fedora 9 before, I am a bit scared to do that.
GUI looks so cool, LEO! my star sign is also LEO.. lol I must install it.
But.. I need you guys help!!!
Do NOT abandon me plzzz.
Tomorrow is substitute holiday, I will be meeting up friends in afternoon and go to hair salon etc to fix up shabby "me".
Feeling abit guilty when I think about team mates, and the other project I am assigned is having pretty hard time though, I will try to enjoy private time.
NO nihongo today..pretty lazy gomen. XD
Fedora 11
I wish I could buy iphone 3GS....iPhone 3G S features video recording, Voice Control, up to 32GB of storage, and more. cool!
If anyone already got iphone 3GS, please show me!
chill out sunday , blue monday
I finally got enough sleep from last saturday night to sunday morning, I've not been busy but dunno why haven't sleep well these days. :(
Rainy season is coming to tokyo soon and it's been already raining most of days since 2weeks ago.
But only sunday was beautiful sunny day. so decided to not go out anywhere but stay nearby home and just chill out by myself.
The photo is the park existed TAMA river side which is only 2mins walk from my apartment.
normally there are so many people playing sports and some couples sitting on bench :) then I am too shy to take a walk by myself though, only yesterday unusually there were no one in there around 4-5pm when I went out. so I was sitting on edge of isolated island and saw looots of mysteries!
sometimes biiig fish is spinning out from middle of the river, and dog was swimming by him/herself,
funny old guy was dancing by himself opposite side of the river lol... A lot of discovery in just a hour. :D
today is monday... abit blue yes as usual XD ha ha ha.
have a great week for everyone!

Today is the first day of TERMINATOR SALVATION preview show .I went to roppongi hills virgin cinema with colleagues...It was aweeeeesome. I really really loved the sounds,CG works,music,and guys are hot!! :P
High tech CG and surround sounds made it very realistic existing scenes.
I was stuck to watch screen all the time to not miss any fantastic scenes out :)
And later on I went to shinjuku to attend high school reunion,luckily I was only girl in 5 guys.. and they were talking about future,marriage,works..etc but all I was thinking was terminator 4 haha XD shoot.
I am watching soccer, JP vs UZ,the game is kind of boring but as long as JP is winning, I am happy. gooood night!
Friday night out

I can't believe it's already friday!! 5days past sooo fast especially when I have bunch of workload to finish. XD
We are planning for the next sprint deploy which is going be held on 9th/June, and then and then!!
I will be having substitute holiday!!! yeyy! thanks my boss and team member for to allow me to take it for real!! so...now thinking what I want to do! ... maybe... go shopping?! go to restaurant to eat nice lunch? ...lol but by myself? hmmm.. still no idea what to do.
Anyway, Today is TGI Friday.I went to Piadina with colleagues and had red wine and beer.
I've been trying to drink red wine, even though I prefer to drink white wine, because red wine lovers are more than white one's and they always order by bottle. -))
and later went to 971 in Midtown, though it was still raining, as long as I could be with my best colleagues, I am totally fine!
One of the cool bar in tokyo -- A971
I totally forgot to take pics but rainy days in tokyo is still beautiful...
Have a peaceful weekends for everyone!
attached photo is latest photo of me with colleague! yeeeeeeeey it was also fun night!@ ebisu
btw, fedora 11 is coming in 4 days congratulations!!! hope some existed problem is already solved with new build. ganbare!
Melon with message SHINRI FIGHT
The attached photo is the melon from my parents, my dad recently is expanding his farm and planting fruits, vegetables--. I think I was very lucky to grow up in beautiful city, lots of natures and pure water :D
The written word means my name Shinri(心理) and I don't know why but "FIGHT",,, this message imply to live life strongly,never dwell on past,future whatever, I guess?! =)
I miss my hometown these days... I have to go back soon maybe after next sprint deploy--!
I've started playing beach volleyball 2weeks ago,but it's been not good weather for outdoor sports so not many play yet though... I really can't wait summer!!!
My friend sent me this song, please listen when you get tired of reality abit.
For the widows in paradise
How to burn DVD ISO image in fedora Linux
I had to install Windows XP on my shabby laptop which I used to use in uni.
That machine had Windows 98 and upgraded to Windows 2000pro.
The steps for preparing install CD is,
Get Windows XP OS --> Burn the ISO image on fedora10 --> Boot on that machine.
How to create ISO image on fedora
The above site has many useful informations! This site may rescue you when you are stuck.
Btw, Summer is coming! I miss beach soooo much. maybe I should go to Boracay,, iina--! xD
That machine had Windows 98 and upgraded to Windows 2000pro.
The steps for preparing install CD is,
Get Windows XP OS --> Burn the ISO image on fedora10 --> Boot on that machine.
How to create ISO image on fedora
The above site has many useful informations! This site may rescue you when you are stuck.
Btw, Summer is coming! I miss beach soooo much. maybe I should go to Boracay,, iina--! xD
ipod shuffle 4GB, small talk

I got ipod shuffle 4GB 2weeks ago! It's really tiny, the same size as memory stick. 4GB bland new, 8800yen. and colour is pretty cool! there are 2types, black and silver! I got black one!!
SHUFFLE! SMALL TALK! the body is pretty cool!
The problem is as usual, It seems not be able to use on gtk pod.
When I tried to sync some songs, although the device is recognized as IPOD volume, songs aren't stored properly. (sooo tired to listen the first comment from shuffle, "please use the itunes to sync the music with ipod" :( )
The device is able to use on itunes of Windows XP , Vista.
Hope fedora 11 can fix this problem! ganbare!
Unable to sync iphone on windows 2000 pro
Second update in today, I've been struggling to insert music on iphone from early morning, I dreamed up in the bed...lol
So why I am trying to sync iphone on my shabby windows 2000 pro machine is because iphone isn't recognized on Gtkpod(alternative application for Linux).
But seems iphone won't work on windows 2000 pro either... huh...
The other solution is to install XP on machine, see what's happened next.
My struggle never end.
Here is the article: iPhone won't work w/ Windows 2000 Pro?
So why I am trying to sync iphone on my shabby windows 2000 pro machine is because iphone isn't recognized on Gtkpod(alternative application for Linux).
But seems iphone won't work on windows 2000 pro either... huh...
The other solution is to install XP on machine, see what's happened next.
My struggle never end.
Here is the article: iPhone won't work w/ Windows 2000 Pro?
Latest version of Picasa for Linux
The latest version of Picasa for Linux is "Picasa 3.0 for Linux (beta)"
1. Download rpm package from http://dl.google.com/linux/rpm/testing/i386/picasa-3.0-current.i386.rpm
2. execute by root command
su -
3. rpm -Uvh picasa-3.0-current.i386.rpm
4. Go to Applications > Graphics > Picasa and open up
here is ramdom pic took by iphone
Nimo----!! in the pic -) This is aquarium restaurant in SHINJYUKU.
Iphone Skype
Finally I got Skype application on my iphone and tried to make a call to friends,but TOO BAD!
We are not allowed to call someone over iphone skype when you use it in 3G area, we can call in wifi area only.
You will see the error that
"Skype calls over 3G networks are currently not allowed due to contractual restrictions.For more
information,see www.skype.com"
what the contractual restrictions is it.. my dream was ruined.
I will figure out alternative way to be able to make a call -)))
I am having nice GW, first day was almost drunk,very short day,second day went to Takao-san and climbed to the top,very long day, and third day I went to hot spring in Odaiba and drink gorgeous afternoon tea in JAL lounge with my best friend, and now..having last day...still in the bed -((
End of April
Tomorrow is 1st/May. wao..I could finally overcome the hardest hay fever season. congratulations!
It's getting warm and shiny these days. abit cold in the evening but still we can walk without jacket! feeling like summer is coming soon!
I love crusing, in tokyo we could hardly find the nice place to take cruise but
there is cruise club in yokohama,odaiba..etc.
I will definitely buy my cruise and sail along beautiful big ocean in my future. when I can realize my dream..ha ha ha--.
GW has been started, I will update more photos later, and waiting for you guys pics too! seeee ya!
It's getting warm and shiny these days. abit cold in the evening but still we can walk without jacket! feeling like summer is coming soon!
I love crusing, in tokyo we could hardly find the nice place to take cruise but
there is cruise club in yokohama,odaiba..etc.
I will definitely buy my cruise and sail along beautiful big ocean in my future. when I can realize my dream..ha ha ha--.
GW has been started, I will update more photos later, and waiting for you guys pics too! seeee ya!
I got 1.5TB HDD!!! YEAH!
I bought 1.5TB SATA Drive and case and it eventually works on fedora 10 now!! God thanks for helping me alot to set up properly. I could never done without you my best friend!
Anyway, why I bought such a big HDD is to archive my favorite movies,photos,songs in there. -))
This was the first time to format HDD itself to be able to use on Linux machine and it was very difficult... Tried some solutions and finally I could create the partition in HDD. -)
If anyone want to use the same drive on fedora, I would love to help you for setting up.just ping me.
Golden Week is coming soon!! but not really excited yet, cz I already ended up to not go back to the hometown..hmmmm... too expensive I can't afford that!! hmhmhm.
So decided to stay home mostly and also planning to organize BBQ party near the beach. -)
I will be working very hard to organize everything completely.
Hope you have a wonderful night!
The attachment is the flower currently sitting next to me. I like this funny shape lol.
Please visit below link and try listen to their songs!!
Any feedback is very appreciated regarding the sounds,tune,rhythm,lyrics etc!!!
* Do you like the band?
* Why do you like it?
* Which song you like the most?
* Why do you like that song?
* What do you want the band to improve?
* Do they remind you some artists? What artist came up with you?
Human Objects
(Their song is good, but it can be better with your feedback!)
Look forward to hear from you all!
They are my best friends and I am trying to support them!
Any feedback is very appreciated regarding the sounds,tune,rhythm,lyrics etc!!!
* Do you like the band?
* Why do you like it?
* Which song you like the most?
* Why do you like that song?
* What do you want the band to improve?
* Do they remind you some artists? What artist came up with you?
Human Objects
(Their song is good, but it can be better with your feedback!)
Look forward to hear from you all!
They are my best friends and I am trying to support them!
Deploy day was finished , it took about 6hours to proceed each tasks and we were able to deploy all issues. Banzai!!!!for us.
I tried to sleep after it's done since it was already morning,I hardly could sleep so even if I came to the office my brain was like zzzzzZZZzz
I am going to take enough rest tonight!!
Since tomorrow my colleague have 2days off iina---
Off to bed now.
Google and Music Label's struggle
Wao-- I can't believe that the world’s biggest record labels, including EMI, the Warner Music Group and Vivendi’s Universal Music, said they would seek to profit here by working with Google and offering free downloads of music to anyone inside China.
I really need to observe how Google make this system works. -))
If it's succeed, Japanese music industry are going to imitate this system. I really want to tell my friends who work in record labels, seems they are struggle to find the way to earn more profit..
Google and Music Labels Bet on Downloads in China .My braces has been killing me..Isn't it too tighten up? my doctor?!
Go to bed now-- My blue monday is almost ended.. thanks thanks.
My dream would likeoh my god this is soo funny! XD XD
I really need to observe how Google make this system works. -))
If it's succeed, Japanese music industry are going to imitate this system. I really want to tell my friends who work in record labels, seems they are struggle to find the way to earn more profit..
Google and Music Labels Bet on Downloads in China .My braces has been killing me..Isn't it too tighten up? my doctor?!
Go to bed now-- My blue monday is almost ended.. thanks thanks.
My dream would likeoh my god this is soo funny! XD XD
New Apartment
I've moved to the new apartment where is more closer to Tokyo and near river side. I quite like it!!
Although I've been sleeping like abandoned kitty between moving boxes,I am try not crying,,,I should be already enough old to work through by myself. -)) ha ha ha
I really hope I will be having some nice visitor soon -)
Today I opened up my Gateway laptop, It's really unusual that I didn't use it for a week cz I am the person who is always net surf almost of my free time :D pretty geeky I know. :D
And tried to update fedora10 by
[root@shinri ~]# yum -y update yum
Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit
Setting up Update Process
No Packages marked for Update
It's also very unusual I think that I didn't receive any updates since last month!! -) This may prove fedora is very stable OS,unlikely windows ha-ha-.
One thing I really want to try these days is to install new skype functionality on iphone and get the freeeee call everywhere I go. Isn't it sooo cool if everyone got Skype ID on iphone and
Skype improve quality of voice call somewhat better than now, then international call service would be gone--!!! I really want them to realize asap. -)) World is going to be much closer and smaller then!!! otherwise I am so not going to live in TOKYO rest of my life but start my endeavour to visit my friends whole world.so boring...
Today is beautiful day, I will go to Shinjyuku to catch up with my brother -) He needs to buy new suits so.
I will update cherry blossom pic soon. Count on me!!
Although I've been sleeping like abandoned kitty between moving boxes,I am try not crying,,,I should be already enough old to work through by myself. -)) ha ha ha
I really hope I will be having some nice visitor soon -)
Today I opened up my Gateway laptop, It's really unusual that I didn't use it for a week cz I am the person who is always net surf almost of my free time :D pretty geeky I know. :D
And tried to update fedora10 by
[root@shinri ~]# yum -y update yum
Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit
Setting up Update Process
No Packages marked for Update
It's also very unusual I think that I didn't receive any updates since last month!! -) This may prove fedora is very stable OS,unlikely windows ha-ha-.
One thing I really want to try these days is to install new skype functionality on iphone and get the freeeee call everywhere I go. Isn't it sooo cool if everyone got Skype ID on iphone and
Skype improve quality of voice call somewhat better than now, then international call service would be gone--!!! I really want them to realize asap. -)) World is going to be much closer and smaller then!!! otherwise I am so not going to live in TOKYO rest of my life but start my endeavour to visit my friends whole world.so boring...
Today is beautiful day, I will go to Shinjyuku to catch up with my brother -) He needs to buy new suits so.
I will update cherry blossom pic soon. Count on me!!
So another week day has been started.
As usual today is abit blue Monday but still ok!!
I visited friend's house in Yokohama on sunday!
He is living in 19th floor which is very high and you can see the
whole ocean view from big window!!
Which is just amazing!!!
We were drinking wine at the balcony and felt like when you are
standing at balcony and drunk it's easy to fell and die!dangerous!!
And it must be so stupid if our parents knew you just fell when you were drunk
So don't do that :D
Btw,my parents are coming to Tokyo this weekend!!!
Mizuki my brother is going to graduate uni!congratulations!
And and and welcome to the hell!! Uni life is best ever in my life and eveyone
is suffered when you start work right ;) :)
On my way home! I am hungry!!!
As usual today is abit blue Monday but still ok!!
I visited friend's house in Yokohama on sunday!
He is living in 19th floor which is very high and you can see the
whole ocean view from big window!!
Which is just amazing!!!
We were drinking wine at the balcony and felt like when you are
standing at balcony and drunk it's easy to fell and die!dangerous!!
And it must be so stupid if our parents knew you just fell when you were drunk
So don't do that :D
Btw,my parents are coming to Tokyo this weekend!!!
Mizuki my brother is going to graduate uni!congratulations!
And and and welcome to the hell!! Uni life is best ever in my life and eveyone
is suffered when you start work right ;) :)
On my way home! I am hungry!!!
I finally bought iphone!! It is very very cooool!!!
Like you can make everywhere your sweet home having narrow band hahaha.
I am on my way home and writing blog!
This weekend was pretty tough and I was feeling a bit hang over till morning coffee.
Cz my oldest friends and I attended my oldest friends wedding party and got so drunk :D
She was very beautiful! We couldn't even imagine that she married so early... ;D
I am already missing all friends .
Really wanted to go back with them in fact.
Ohhhh I am getting used to use iphone small keyboard by my fat big fingers.
This week I couldn't study much so I will concentrate on it more this week.
Sweet sweet dreams!
Like you can make everywhere your sweet home having narrow band hahaha.
I am on my way home and writing blog!
This weekend was pretty tough and I was feeling a bit hang over till morning coffee.
Cz my oldest friends and I attended my oldest friends wedding party and got so drunk :D
She was very beautiful! We couldn't even imagine that she married so early... ;D
I am already missing all friends .
Really wanted to go back with them in fact.
Ohhhh I am getting used to use iphone small keyboard by my fat big fingers.
This week I couldn't study much so I will concentrate on it more this week.
Sweet sweet dreams!
Happy Friday!
Haaaappy Friday..but this friday is abit sad..
Because one of my best friend, best colleague is leaving by today.
I admire him a lot, and I am sure we will be best friends forever!
Anyway, Friday should be always happy!
Have a great day!
Because one of my best friend, best colleague is leaving by today.
I admire him a lot, and I am sure we will be best friends forever!
Anyway, Friday should be always happy!
Have a great day!
Thursday,NOT raining!
It's been raining most of days since monday, for me it's sometimes good because hay fever doesn't kill me much.
Yesterday I had colleague BD party and drink mojito :D :D
I feel abit hang over today but trying to focus on work.
Recently I've been learning Javascript. Here is my page.
Still very simple 1 function, I will improve it in this weekend too! It would be good to have a look and teach me how to create some easy functions! not too difficult one. I would be stuck!
Anyway, tomorrow is friday! Will do my best to proceed my tasks today too!
It's been raining most of days since monday, for me it's sometimes good because hay fever doesn't kill me much.
Yesterday I had colleague BD party and drink mojito :D :D
I feel abit hang over today but trying to focus on work.
Recently I've been learning Javascript. Here is my page.
Still very simple 1 function, I will improve it in this weekend too! It would be good to have a look and teach me how to create some easy functions! not too difficult one. I would be stuck!
Anyway, tomorrow is friday! Will do my best to proceed my tasks today too!
Still Wednesday
Still Wednesday.. hmhm but we will go out quickly and sleeeep!
I am moving to the new apartment soon! My brother went back to hometown this morning,
The house should be very empty..I don't want to go home.. -((((
I am listening to this song right now. :)))
I am moving to the new apartment soon! My brother went back to hometown this morning,
The house should be very empty..I don't want to go home.. -((((
I am listening to this song right now. :)))
Japanese National Foundation Day!
I always love the moment that I wake up and notice, oh!! today is national holiday so that I can just sleep again!!
It's 7:51am, still early in the morning but I couldn't sleep anymore,I don't know why,, so updating my blogs.
Last weekend was a bit tough to hang out with my colleagues, we went to Mt.fuji. it was wonderful!!!
So today I am going to stay at home and chill out. :D
I've been looking for the new apartment, since I am planning to move in end of March,kind of already rush to search.
Last week I stopped by some places and I think most probably I decide to live near Shinjyuku.
It's been under the weather,feeling like I need to blush up my life more... and I always try to figure out WHAT is my problem? WHAT makes me think think think... maybe I might be lonely sometimes? or just hay fever? :D
Feeling like I want to go somewhere on vacation! For the trip, I am going to work hard and save money!!!
I have many many places and friends to visit in whole world, I CAN NOT wait to see them all!!!
Happy New Year 2009!
Oh, It took long time to write the latest diary and say Happy New Year to everyone.
I had a great time at my hometown with all relatives and oldest friends over christmas to new years eve.
I met german guy,Phil at the bar, he was visiting Kumamoto-city by himself.It was really amazing to meet german people
in local prefecture =))Life is absolutely unpredictable and full of surprise, interesting!
In next dialy, I am going to write my resolution for 2009,It's already abit late to announce though,,anyway,,
Look forward to see my all brilliant friends again soon!! I will catch up with them this year as much as possible !!
I had a great time at my hometown with all relatives and oldest friends over christmas to new years eve.
I met german guy,Phil at the bar, he was visiting Kumamoto-city by himself.It was really amazing to meet german people
in local prefecture =))Life is absolutely unpredictable and full of surprise, interesting!
In next dialy, I am going to write my resolution for 2009,It's already abit late to announce though,,anyway,,
Look forward to see my all brilliant friends again soon!! I will catch up with them this year as much as possible !!
投稿 (Atom)