Japan festival was held in Phoenix downtown on 26th, he told me it's also called "geek fes" , we were surprised that there were lots of american kids wear Japanese anime costume to attend the event. :D
I saw a few japanese there but not many, and they are all very young, probably university student...I hope I can make some friends here soon..... :D
It's funny that you could never realize how much you love your country, when you live inside, but will be always reminded of the value of your own traditional culture, once you could objectively observe the country from outside.
It was beautiful sunny day on Sunday, since it was heavily raining Saturday night, seems like the rain cleaned up all dust from Arizona desert. :)
恐らく、大学生だろうと・・・。早くこっちでも友達を作れるといいな。。。。。 :D
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