My friend R and I left Kumamoto to Otachimisaki@Ashikita at 10am in the morning,
It was about 3hours drive to the beach, It's sunny autumn day.
The beach is white sand and sky blue water, and no one was there because of Wednesday, Everyone should be working, not me and my friend though.. lol
We found 2kitties on the road, their eyes weren't opened yet, so cleaned up faces and finally it's opened and saw their beautiful grey/blue eyes!!
They were just tiny sweet kitties.
We went to police,city council,the mall etc to find the pet owner, but they all just said that all they can do is to send kitty to facility to kill them in next day. :'(
So we decided to ditch them at the bench of the park so that someone who want pet is going to find them and take them home.
I still regret that I could be better in some way, maybe I should take them home,,, but my family has 2cats already, they were also abandoned in the park, I found them last year, already grown up to the big fat cat now.
I think, (well I am trying to think) I did my best for them,
Please please DO NOT abandon your pets, consider to do early spay neuter if you don't wish them to have baby. :)
If you plan to have a pet, Please go to animal care centre first to take these animals waiting for your help. Animals in the pet shop, they are just fine as they are already, try to help animals in need.
Our trip plan was totally changed, since we met kitties though, still amazing trip! Thanks R!
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