This weekend he took me to the Grand Canyon, which exists in northern Arizona, close to Utah state. It took about 4hours drive from where we live.
On the way, we passed through huge storm that cause heavy rain and lighting,it's really scary!! I don't think I can drive like him.. :(
When we reached to the Grand Canyon National Park, the storm is already gone and we were able to see the spectacular view from the top of the mountain!! It was awesome view I've ever seen!!
We kept driving towards to Utah state, and when we got there, suddenly figured there was no gas station for next 40miles away,,, :( so ended up to turn around and go back to south to go to small town "PAGE". We stopped by some bars there, It was fun to talk with local people. :))
I've been a bit stressed out since I got here Arizona, because of maybe the big life change all of sudden, I was a bit missing things I used to have in Tokyo,,, but this time trip totally blow up my mind to say "I LOVE ARIZONA!!!" now! yey!
Thanks for my bf and wonderful Arizona nature☆
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