
desert botanical garden

We visited Desert Botanical Garden a couple weeks ago, We've been having best weather in Arizona lately, not too hot/cold yet, nice wind, it's like a Japanese spring season, the plants start blooming.

Here are some photos from that day, can you see a butterfly is on the tour guide paper?

数週間前に、Desert Botanical Gardenを訪れました。最近は、アリゾナのベストシーズンを迎えています。



google call phone is not working properly

Google call phone has something wrong lately, the problem is that when you call to local phone or cell phone, it's calling on my side, but it doesn't actually reach to the other.

And funny symptom is that if you hold the call for a while, you could hear the weird recorded girl's voice say "hello! I've been waiting for your call so long.."
I was very surprised at first, cz I called to my dad's cell phone and the girl was answering?

But I figured the voice message is repeated whoever you call, I heard the same message when I called to my mom's cell phone, brother's and home phone. It's really weird.

The lines might be crossed? The cause of the problem is related to the earthquake??


そして面白い症状で、電話をある程度ホールドしていると、変な女の子の録音された声が聞こえてくるんです。「もしもしー!ずっと電話待っていたよ」みたいな。 最初に聞いた時は、本当にびっくりしました。




it's been for a week from Japan earthquake

It's been for a week past from Japan earthquake, but people in Tohoku Japan are still suffering from shortage of foods and electricity.

My friend who live in Tokyo told me that they are still experiencing the aftershock everyday.

Japan needs your help! You can donate from 1$, Click here!

日本を助けて!ここから、100円より募金をあつめています。 ここをクリック



how to input Japanese without IME

I am thinking to buy new computer in the USA but was worried about what should I do for input Japanese character. Here is one of the temporary solution.

Ajax IME

Attached picture is the steps of how to change input language on windows7.


Ajax IME

other keyword to search "外国 パソコン 日本語化"


what we can do by new media

Japan is still struggling to recover from severe damage by massive earthquake, more than 14,000 people are missing in Tohoku area, very sorry...

As we face scary disaster, I noticed how much important to have these new media, and I just remember we didn't have any these useful sites in last massive earthquake in Kobe, and all we could reply on was crappy cell phone and it wasn't working most of time. But now things have been advanced,

I got email from skype today that skype is going to provide credit for the people living in Japan, you can get about 25mins free call.

If you receive the email below, please try sing in and get the credit, you may want to use it for contacting your family to check if they are doing ok.

{Email title : 東北地方太平洋沖地震に際して、Skypeによる連絡手段の提供のお知らせ}

Also google staff captured all the name list at refugee camp in northern Japan, and update it to picasa,
Access from here I think they did amazing job... I am sure it wasn't easy.

You can sent your donations through here :)
People are still struggling to overcome shortage of foods,gas,electricity...

Thanks for your all wonderful comments on Facebook!
I will keep asking donations as many people as possible.



「メールタイトル: 東北地方太平洋沖地震に際して、Skypeによる連絡手段の提供のお知らせ」


また、募金は、こちらから受け付けています。 ここ




Japan Earthquake

All I can do from here is just wait and pray, :(( but I am going to look for what I can do more.

  • For donation to Red Cross Society - Click here (They accept from 100yen - 1$)
  • For those who are looking for someone - here
  • If you have information about someone - here
I watched on TV that 69countries are offering help , I've been very encouranged by great help from all over the world,

From United Nation's article,
"UN would do all it could to mobilize humanitarian assistance and disaster risk reduction teams as soon as possible.In his remarks today the Secretary-General noted that Japan is one of the most generous benefactors to other countries in the wake of a disaster or other major crisis."
more info

There are very few thing that I could do but I will keep thinking, I really hope people get back to normal peaceful life asap.

  • 赤十字を通じての募金 - ここから (100円から受け付けている様です。)
  • 人々を探している方々 - ここから
  • 誰かの情報を持っていて投稿したい方 - ここから




renaissance festival

We went to the Renaissance festival in last Sunday. The festival is held in middle of the Arizona desert, a bit weird atmosphere but fun. :)
The photos are horse competition, it was very sunny hot day and we both were burnt out.

先週の日曜日に、ルネサンスフェスティバルというイベントに行ってきました。フェスは、アリゾナの砂漠地帯で開催されており、ちょっと不思議な雰囲気でしたが、楽しかったです。 :)


girl friend

Yesterday was an another beautiful day in AZ, and I went for lunch with my girl friend!
Since I just moved here, I don't know many people yet except family member.
so I am so happy to have a girl friend finally.

She brought her 2boys, 4years old and 2years old, as you can imagine they never stop moving!! :) I wonder where their so much energy is came from... :))

I was thinking it would be good to have a daughter first cz it seems easy to take care of, but it might be fun to have son. :D

We got sandwich and cookies from Paradise, and sitting at Market place.
It was really fun outgoing in nice afternoon.



最初の子は、娘がいいかなと思っていましたが、息子も面白そうだなと・・・。 :D



big day for techies

ipad 2 is finally unveiled by Apple, Steve Jobs's coference was pretty impressive as usual.
I was still feeling like any "tablet" produts are still expensive, if you compare to hp 10.1 netbook performance with very cheap price(It's on sale $266 in Costoco). The only difference is just with/without brilliant touch screen, right? :D

but now I am so into ipad 2!! ahh--!

The reason (I think)why Steve's speech is very appealing, that he knows how to explain complex technology as if it's very easy handy products which are able to be installed mass in daily life right away.

It's sunny Wednesday here, going to the park with friend soon. :)

ipad 2が遂に公開されました。Steve Jobsのコンファレンス、いつも通りとても良かったです。
hpからリリースされた10.1インチのネットブックのパフォーマンスと、とても価格が安いことを考えると、(コストコで、セール価格 $266)まだ、どのタブレット製品も、高い様に感じていました。唯一の違いは、素晴らしいタッチスクリーンがあるか、無いかですよねーー。 :D

しかし、今は、ipad 2凄い欲しいですー。


天気の良い水曜日ですー、これから友達と公園に行きます。 :)



we attended his sister's house warming party on 27th, and also stopped by to check the progress of our new house which has been built now. It was cool drive in beautiful sunny day after the rain on Saturday night. What I like most in the house is the view from master bed room at second floor . :) We can see the whole green park from the window, very relaxing. I was always looking for a nice park somewhere closer from my apartment in Tokyo, that's why I loved Chofu area. :)

I am exciting to see how much they build more , next time we go and check the progress again.

