TGIF! another my favorite moment, It's friday!yei! I am going to join the parade near my house if I could finish work earlier.
There is the christian university and they block up the whole main street and walk around with funny costume. It's really fun!Blast!!!!
So my costume is PICACHU which is the popular cartoon for the kids,very fluffy yellow one.
If I were cute, I will wear the bunny costume with my big courage though.. I know it doesn't fit on me..so gave it up lol
This weekend would be hectic, my mission that I try attending 2 wedding party in a day, plus, these wedding party are going to held
in totally different place... one is in Tokyo and other one is Kyushu,which is my hometown. so going to take the airplane as soon as the earlier ceremony was finished,,kinda really busy weekend.
But I am really really excited to see my old friends after long time no see each other.
OK, no Java lesson this weekend. but my hardships story to learn Java,etc will be continue~~